Sunday 24 May 2009

Annual Mass Fledging

The annual mass fledging of starlings seems to have happened on Saturday so if you haven't already seen them make a point of greeting the latest noisy generation.

The cacophony around Anglezarke this morning, however, wasn't so much starlings as chaffinch, willow warblers, robins and cuckoo. A friend and I were were looking for pied flycatchers but instead found ourselves watching spotted flycatchers delicately dancing in the air and hovering like humming birds. The area seems to have more than have previously been recorded so that's encouraging.

Starling photo copied from and the spotted flycatcher was photographed by Richard Spencer.


Susan Richardson said...

Sounds like a great morning! I haven't had a chance to go out walking this weekend (apart from local dog-walking) so it's been good to get a vicarious walk through reading your post!

Crafty Green Poet said...

I love flycatchers and see them so rarely...

I've given you an award, come over to my blog to find out more!

Mistlethrush said...

I doubt I would have found the flycatchers if I hadn't known they were there and consequently was prepared to spend time looking for them. I have to say that Chorley NATS website is a wonderful resource for local birders - I wouldn't see a fraction of what I do without it.

from the field book

from the field book
An inspiring gift for anyone who enjoys watching nature.