Sunday 19 October 2008

In search of fieldfares

I've been searching for fieldfares this weekend. I saw a possible fleeting glimpse of a couple of these colourful winter visitors on Croston Finney yesterday. This morning, my colleagues humoured me by digressing slightly from our duck count route to take in areas of hawthorn where they are usually seen - but not today! Thanks anyway....
But all's not lost. We did see a pochard and a goldeneye (unusual for or area) and also a stoat dashing across the road.
And it didn't rain until we got home - can't be bad!

Photo copied from Follow the link to some amazing photos.


Crafty Green Poet said...

I love fieldfares and hope to see some soon, there are usually some in Edinburgh, mixed in with the redwings...

The Weaver of Grass said...

This week's bird column in The Yorkshire Post says that the fieldfares and redwings are coming inland from the east coast. We usually see them around October 17th and I thought I saw some in the distance. Trouble is unless you are fairly near it is easy to mix them up with mistlethrushes (not you though!)

Mistlethrush said...

Hi Ladies,

Lucky you living in fieldfare and redwing hot spots. We do get them sometimes locally but have to work to find them - and have a bit of luck.

Love the joke Weaver. If you ever heard me sing you'd know why I'm not called song thrush!

Anonymous said...

I trust you fared better in you quest for Fieldfares this weekend! They seem to be here, there and everywhere!

Mistlethrush said...

Hello Anon,

I spotted four this morning - not quite here, there and everywhere. But at least there were four there!

from the field book

from the field book
An inspiring gift for anyone who enjoys watching nature.